Since we have been using Live Chat our conversion rates have nearly doubled. Customer support are extremely helpful and we have been able to scale up easily with more chat agents as our department has increased in size. A+

Lucy Bardock
Head of Sales
Over the last few years, the internet has taken the world by storm. The development of internet-powered innovative technologies has made it possible for people to use the internet in unique ways, including for purchase-related decisions. Today, people use the internet at every stage of their buying journey.
We have harnessed the power of the internet to build and improvise upon software that can help your business achieve the heights of its success, through better customer relationship management and next-generation customer satisfaction. With our Live Chat software, you can be sure to engage with your prospects and customers for a meaningful and mutually beneficial long-term relationship.
The benefits of great Live Chat software for your business-website are manifold. The power of live chat has been realised before, due to its capability of helping businesses provide their customers with support and solutions. The integration of a mechanism that allows a customer to chat with your business in real-time has become increasingly popular. In recent times, it has also been noted that live chat can help significantly increase a business’ conversion rate.
With the help of artificial intelligence and machine-based learning, the development of live-chatting software in modern times helps provide businesses with data and analytics that help dive deep into understanding what people want. How this is possible is quite interesting. By simply ‘listening’ to what website visitors require, you can actually begin to increase your conversion rate.
A rapidly growing trend of personalised communication between businesses and their target groups, especially because of a shift to social media and two-way communication, has made it vital for businesses to stay on top of the game and focus on what people seek. Personalised communication and interaction are possible with the help of relevant software and channels, which are invariably being integrated into the core activities of businesses.
An efficient process that begins with listening to website visitors, interacting with them, addressing the things they are interested in or concerned about, and making yourself available for them, is a surefire way to increase your conversion rate and the level of customer satisfaction, in contemporary times. At this point, is when Live Chat steps in.
Our software has been used by a number of players in different industries. Although all of our clients operate in different industries and cater to different audiences, their main reason for choosing to incorporate Live Chat into their website was the same – improved customer relationship management. With the help of the solution we crafted, businesses were able to increase their conversion rates and enhance customer retention and customer loyalty. Take a look at what some of our clients have to say about our software.
Since we have been using Live Chat our conversion rates have nearly doubled. Customer support are extremely helpful and we have been able to scale up easily with more chat agents as our department has increased in size. A+
Lucy Bardock
Head of Sales
Very happy customer. The live chat widget has helped us to convert more users in to customers and provide support for our existing users.
Terry Gaynor
Really easy to integrate with our website. After a few minutes we were live. Customer support are also very helpful. I would highly recommend!!
Carl Wicks
From Intercom to HubSpot – and a number of applications in between – Live Chat can be integrated into a number of existing channels and software. Each channel that you use is relevant for different, specific purposes. An end-to-end live chat solution can be integrated into these different channels and can be used to the advantage of business activities differently. Intelligent software that is built on the principle of customer interactions has numerous advantages.
Our aim, when we developed our solution for businesses to leverage, was to create an all-encompassing software that would help businesses reach their goals. Integrating Live Chat into your existing software like HubSpot or SalesForce, can help you manage your customers by giving you the option to port over contacts from our chat-system to a tool, which is useful for a specific purpose.
The ability to incorporate chat software into not just your website, but also into different tools that already help you in achieving different business goals, is an undeniable advantage of using live-chat software that is intelligent and intuitive. Live chat is not meant to be a solitary tool. It is meant to be a partner, with the aim of helping you encourage and better manage all interactions, thus rendering its integrability an advantage.
A combination of the ability to micro-manage all interactions with customers and potential customers, with software dedicated to helping businesses become more efficient as a whole, is why integration is important. Get in touch with us now to understand more about which apps you can integrate Live Chat into and how it aids you in achieving your goals.